Sunday, October 23, 2011

Too Long Gone....

It's been too long since I've collected my thoughts and analyzed where I am in this hectic life.  We've had several weeks of family visiting which has been rich and deep.  My babies turned one on September 1 and are such joys in our home.  My older kiddos are nearing how fast life moves!!  

Classical Conversations continues to amaze me at the amount of information A&J are able to understand and retain.  Did I ever imagine my 4 year olds could tell me the capital of Vermont (or all the states and their capitals for that matter), what the verb principal parts are, recite latin parts of speech, when and what the purchase of Louisiana involved, or which bones make up the axial skeleton.  I've birthed geniuses, ha!  No, just an amazing academic program that we are so fortunate to belong.  Thank you Leigh Bortins!  Looking forward to watching more of my kids excitement and hunger for learning! 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't CC amazing? My kids want to be memory masters this year, so we are really plugging away at the memory work like never before. I'm amazed at how much I'M learning! :)

    Have fun, and family is beautiful! :)
